Tin Mill Products

Offer 1084: Tinplate Coils Stock Ex Shougang China

Grade:                           Prime + A   Origin:                           China Mill:                               Shougang QTY:                              425 Tons,  Sizes:                            0.13 – 0.43 MM, Width:                           710 – 1130 MM Coil Wight:                    0.267MT to 9.75MT Price :                           In the List but average Price 957 USD /- PMT FOB Kindly submit your firm bid with destination port
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Black Plate Steel Coils Ex Mill Serbia HBIS

Black Plate Steel CoilsSubject unsold Thickness: 0.14 MM ~ 0.50 MMQty: 490.70 MT Grade: A, A1 Origin: Serbia HBIS Width: 784 MM ~ 1195 MMPrice: 480$ CFR For Karachi port Pakistan. If you are interested please submit your bid idea with your destination port.
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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